Crown Royal Campaign Project

This project was developed as part of a school assignment, where I had the opportunity to collaborate, design and execute a captivating campaign focused on the Royal Crown.


  • Sharing Moments:

    Encouraging individuals to share their memorable experiences related to Crown Royal using the hashtag #CrownMoments.

  • Prize giveaways for submissions:

    Offering exciting rewards to recognize and incentivize the best entries shared within the #CrownMoments campaign.

  • Influencer collaborations:

    Partnering with influential individuals to amplify the reach and impact of the Crown Royal brand, leveraging their networks and creative influence

Promoting the Crown Royal premium quality whiskey by creating a buzz through a captivating campaign and leveraging the hashtag #CrownMoments.


Campaign Objective


  • Impressions:

    Measuring the total number of times our content is displayed to users on social media, providing insights into the overall reach and visibility of our campaigns.

  • Follower count:

    Tracking the growth and engagement of our social media audience by monitoring the number of followers we have across platforms.

  • Comments on "Which Crown Royale bottle would you like to win?":

    Analyzing the number and sentiment of comments received on a specific post, gauging audience interest and preferences regarding our product offerings.

  • Hashtag mentions:

    Monitoring the frequency and engagement of user-generated content that includes our branded hashtags, indicating the level of community involvement and brand advocacy.

  • Post reach:

    Evaluating the number of unique users who have viewed our social media posts, indicating the extent of our content's exposure.

  • Sales:

    Tracking the direct impact of our campaigns on sales figures, and observing any increases or patterns that can be attributed to our marketing efforts.


